Perhaps indicated by the police-like appearance

Ngày: 01/03/2018 lúc 11:29AM

The white tiger - a traditional symbol of strength and protection in South Korea - and black Asiatic bear have been a huge hit with sporting fans.

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Teleporting and telekinesis

According to the 2020 organising committee, their mascots have opposite personalities but "respect each other and are very good friends".

"They both have a great spirit of hospitality. They always try their best to cheer and encourage everyone."

The blue Olympic foxy creature has "an old-fashioned charm that reflects tradition and also has a high-tech, cutting edge vibe".

It has a strong sense of justice, perhaps indicated by the police-like appearance of its clothing or skin, and is very athletic. And it can teleport - though this would probably be considered cheating in the Games.

The pink Paralympic creation also has a special power - it can "talk with stones and the wind" and move things with its mind.

It has a "dignified inner strength", and while normally calm, it "gets very powerful when needed".

Find out more about the winning and losing mascots in the quiz we published in December (if you can't see the quiz click here).

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